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- /* Routinesheader
- Name: debug.c
- Main: xpkmaster
- Versionstring: $VER: debug.c 1.6 (12.04.97)
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: the debug stuff
- 1.0 05.10.96 : first real version
- 1.1 20.10.96 : added the external debug modes
- 1.2 21.10.96 : changed debug totally
- 1.3 01.01.97 : changed output a bit - "XpkM before stuff - find in lots
- of other debuf stuff"
- 1.4 09.03.97 : output contained 0 byte - removed
- 1.5 01.04.97 : little changes
- 1.6 12.04.97 : added TagList output, therefor changed XPKDEBUG contents
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/dos_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/utility_lib.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <dos/var.h>
- #include <xpk/xpk.h>
- extern struct Library *UtilityBase;
- typedef void (*putchtype) ();
- #ifdef __MAXON__
- #define __asm
- #endif
- #define FLAG_ERROR (1<<0)
- #define FLAG_RUNTIME (1<<1)
- #define FLAG_TAGLIST (1<<2)
- extern KPutChar(LONG);
- extern DPutChar(LONG);
- extern struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- extern void DoDebug(UBYTE mode, STRPTR fmt, APTR data);
- static void __asm serfunc(register __d0 UBYTE c, register __a3 ULONG pd)
- { if(c) KPutChar(c); }
- static void __asm parfunc(register __d0 UBYTE c, register __a3 ULONG pd)
- { if(c) DPutChar(c); }
- static void __asm normfunc(register __d0 UBYTE c, register __a3 ULONG pd)
- {
- UBYTE d = c;
- if(c)
- Write(pd, &d, 1);
- }
- void DebugTagList(STRPTR fmt, struct TagItem *taglist)
- {
- DoDebug(FLAG_TAGLIST, fmt, taglist);
- }
- void DebugError(STRPTR format, ...)
- {
- DoDebug(FLAG_RUNTIME, format, (APTR)((ULONG)(&format)+sizeof(STRPTR)));
- }
- void DebugRunTime(STRPTR format, ...)
- {
- DoDebug(FLAG_ERROR, format, (APTR)((ULONG)(&format)+sizeof(STRPTR)));
- }
- void DoDebug(UBYTE mode, STRPTR fmt, APTR data)
- {
- ULONG fh = 0, i, Flags = 0;
- UBYTE Mode[5] = "";
- void __asm (*function)(register __d0 UBYTE, register __a3 ULONG) = 0;
- Forbid();
- for(i=1; Mode[i] && i < 5; ++i)
- {
- switch(Mode[i])
- {
- case 'E': Flags |= FLAG_ERROR; break;
- case 'R': Flags |= FLAG_RUNTIME; break;
- case 'T': Flags |= FLAG_TAGLIST; break;
- }
- }
- mode &= Flags;
- if(mode)
- {
- switch(Mode[0])
- {
- case 'S': function = serfunc; break;
- case 'P': function = parfunc; break;
- case 'F':
- if((fh = Open("T:XpkMasterOut", MODE_READWRITE)))
- {
- Seek(fh, 0, OFFSET_END);
- function = normfunc;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(function)
- {
- i = (ULONG) FindTask(0);
- RawDoFmt("XpkM(%08lx):", &i, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- RawDoFmt(fmt, data, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- RawDoFmt("\n", 0, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- if(mode & FLAG_TAGLIST)
- {
- struct TagItem *ti;
- while((ti = NextTagItem((struct TagItem **) &data)))
- {
- RawDoFmt(" %08lx, %lu", ti, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- if((ti->ti_Tag == XPK_InName) || (ti->ti_Tag == XPK_OutName) ||
- (ti->ti_Tag == XPK_FileName) || (ti->ti_Tag == XPK_Password) ||
- (ti->ti_Tag == XPK_PackMethod))
- RawDoFmt(" (%s)", &ti->ti_Data, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- RawDoFmt("\n", 0, (putchtype) function, (APTR) fh);
- }
- }
- }
- if(fh)
- Close(fh);
- }
- Permit();
- }
- #endif /* XPKMASTER_DEBUG_C */